I’ve been sifting through Marketing Graduate resumes, and here’s what I wish more applicants knew about the first stages of the hiring process…

First Impressions really count.
Hiring managers often receive an overwhelming number of applications, especially for graduate positions.
I immediately create a ‘Yes’ (consider) pile and a ‘No’ pile. This is based on a scan, not an in depth read. While the aim is to quickly set aside those applicants that don’t have the right skills or experience, there are other red flags that can quickly get you in the ‘No’ pile, even if you’ve got the right creds.
Triple proof-read your application and resume. This is the last step before you can truly call your work finished and it's important to take the time to do it right. You don't want your hard work to be marred by typos and errors. Most marketing jobs will have “attention to detail” as a desired skill. Ask a friend to help you proof-read your resume before you submit it (just like we ‘buddy-check’ all our ads and campaigns that go out).
Note that this extends beyond the documents you submit. If you’ve included a link to a personal website or your LinkedIn page, make sure that this is up to date and error free. If your personal website isn’t up to scratch, don’t list it on your resume.
PDF your resume and cover letter. This will ensure that it always looks its best, no matter where you send it, or who opens it, on any device. This is a simple step that will ensure you leave a professional looking document with your prospective employer.
Make it easy for the hiring manager to find and choose you.
Giving your resume file a good name is important. How you name your resume says a lot about you as a job applicant. A resume with a good name shows that you are detail-oriented and organised. It also shows that you have thought about your customer (hiring manager) and have taken the time to make sure your resume is easy to find.
Naming your resume is easy. I suggest you include your full name, the job you are applying for, and the date. For example, "Jo Smith XYZ Marketing Manager_Oct2022.pdf." This will help your resume stand out and make it easy to find when potential employers are looking for it.

Potential employers will Google you.
When was the last time you checked your digital footprint?
Potential employers are going to be looking at your online presence before they ever meet you in person. It's important to make sure that what they find online aligns with the claims you're making in your resume and job application.
Employers expect you to have a social life (on and offline), and the right job will be aligned to your personality and values. However, it’s worth googling yourself to make sure your digital persona is showing up the way you want it to.
Ready to secure your dream job? Give yourself a competitive edge before the interview by following these simple tips.
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